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Monday, January 17, 2011

Victoria who's last name shall not be named has some very unsettling news...

I have been greatly disappointed and by a burrito no less. How do these cruel things happen to me? I arrive home from a hard night at work only to find that no body in my family saved me dinner. Me being the optimistic gal that I am looked in the freezer and figured that a micorwave burrito would do. Now I am sitting here, two hours later, still disappointed by a BURRITO!!! You see, I used to absolutely adore burritos and I thought that the reaction would be the same and happiness would bubble up inside me after the first bite, alas no happiness bubbled. The bean and cheese burrito left me hurt, alone, angry, and STILL hungry. My best guesses are that ONE: Burritos are just not made the same anymore, or TWO: Maybe bean and cheese is not the right kind? But I find myself wondering, will I ever solve this burrito puzzle? Probably not. Now on to more important and slightly less dramatic information. Classes at the lovely university which I attend start again tomorrow. Because of this troubling tid bit, I had to pick up my books for this semester this morning. I was a little more than outraged to discover I paid ten dollars for a book that is no wider than my pinky. It is called Walking by Thoreau, look it up. It is seriously THE TINIEST book I have ever seen in my life. TEN EFFING DOLLARS. Could American college really rip off our generation of naive young adults ANY MORE? Just remembering my anger makes me want to stand on a table in the middle of a crowded room and scream on the top of my lungs. That might be a little too much fun though, don't you agree? I also succeeded in getting a whole one week FREE at a gym today! Well, really the credit goes all to my mother she truly does have a way with people that I may never acquire. We went to check out this gym because I am in dire need of a place to swim. Long story short I need to get my lifeguard license for this summer which is a strange thing to need you might think, but I have my reasons trust me. Anyways in order to not die whilst trying to get this certification, I must swim now. So I took my mother with me to check out this gym that has a pool and she talked the lady into not only giving me a week free , but giving one to her and my two sisters as well. It was awesome to say the least. Okay, interesting day, RIGHTTT?????


  1. I love that a simple burrito could make you so very disappointed, it's precisely why i love you!

  2. Of course a burrito could disappoint me! Wouldn't just about anyone be disppointed by a lousy burrito?!?!

  3. You should've just gone to Taco Bell.

  4. Chloe chloe, we are going to be great friends! I would have gone to the safe haven of taco bell if it weren't for the impending weather D:

  5. Yes! New friends!

    I feel it would've been worth it.

    Die of starvation vs die of car accident...?
