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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Livin' the Dream

Since I have a multiple page lab report to type and a philosophy online test, I thought I'd write a blog instead. How ya doin it's been a while? (Mostly to Nicole's friend Chloe because she is the only one who might read this besides Nicole and Krall) I have decided that the real reason I am in college is just to make enough money in the next fifteen or so years of my life to then spend the rest doing absolutely nothing, besides maybe makin babies or something. Seriously, being lazy in the future is a real motivation for me. How twisted is that? I wanted to do something spectaculiar and memorable but now I feel like I could settle for sitting on a beach somewhere.  I'll do some pointless mundane task, get paid a shit ton of money and then quit and spend my days playing xbox and watching movies. On a side note, I am very excited for I Am Number Four. Anyways I think that conflict between the pressure that is put on me to be an adult and the fear I have of actually being one may cause a mental breakdown sometime within the next six months. Crazy runs in my family, so when I say that I am actually only partially kidding. I could probably use a shrink right now. Moving on to a happier note, we have celebrated Rachel's twentieth birthday with some fine dining and not so fine motion pictures. Of course let's not forget about Akiki Jambon Hammy, our Russian friendship hamster. She is an adorable little thing, cute enough to distract you right before she tries to bolt away. It is hard to imagine how quickly friendships can end and even how quickly they can form. I can not believe I have only known Rach for a year or a little more. While I still do not know everything about her, mostly because she won't let me know everything, I feel as though I could trust her with anything which is the greatest part of friendship. Thanks Krall. Hey Nicole, thanks for introducing me to my soul mate ;). As for friendships ending, I still find myself thinking from time to time about some of my friends that have drifted from me.  I wish that I would have been right and friendship would have been something permanent. Mostly I wish he wouldn't have given up on me. But that's emotional babble no one needs to hear. Let's end on a cheery note. I am really into Maroon 5 again right now.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADmCFmYLns4   Don't be hatin. I could not possibly think of any other boring thoughts to put in this thing so peace out girl scout :D